Nishina Memorial Prize

Every year since 1955 of the foundation year, the Nishina Memorial Prize has been awarded to physicists for their outstanding achievements in the field of basic and applied physics. The winners so far and the outline of their achievements are shown below.

2024 Nishina Memorial Prize

Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Refer to their outine of researches, CLICK here
Experimental study of four-neutron statesDr. Susumu ShimouraProfessor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Pioneering research on unconventional superconductivity in actinoid compoundsDr. Dai AokiProfessor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Theory of spin Hall effect and topological materialsDr. Shuichi MurakamiProfessor, Department of Physics, Institute of Science Tokyo
The citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 35, issue 1, February 2025 click here to refer to section 21


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Constraining CP violating phase δ in neutrino oscillationsICHIKAWA, AtsukoDepartment of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku UniversityPDF
The citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 34, issue 1, February 2024 click here to refer to section 8

SubjectConstraining CP violating phase δ in neutrino oscillations
NameICHIKAWA, Atsuko
AffiliationDepartment of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectThe citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 34, issue 1, February 2024 click here to refer to section 8



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Pioneering contribution to the physics of spin currentSAITOH, Eiji Graduate School of Engineering, the University of TokyoPDF
Contribution to the standard cosmology based on cosmic microwave backgroundKOMATSU, EiichiroMax Planck Institute for Astrophysics
The citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 33, issue 1, December 2022 click here

SubjectPioneering contribution to the physics of spin current
NameSAITOH, Eiji
AffiliationGraduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
SubjectContribution to the standard cosmology based on cosmic microwave background
NameKOMATSU, Eiichiro
AffiliationMax Planck Institute for Astrophysics
SubjectThe citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 33, issue 1, December 2022 click here



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery and exploration of spin-induced multiferroicsARIMA, Takahisa
KIMURA, Tsuyoshi
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo & RIKEN
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo
Establishment of the sub-PeV gamma ray astronomy and elucidation of the origin of galactic cosmic raysTAKITA, MasatoInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo
Observational Cosmology through the Development of Wide Field Cameras for Subaru TelescopeMIYAZAKI, SatoshiNational Astronomical Observatory of Japan
The citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 32, issue 1, January 2022 click here

SubjectDiscovery and exploration of spin-induced multiferroics
NameARIMA, Takahisa
KIMURA, Tsuyoshi
AffiliationGraduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo & RIKEN
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo
SubjectEstablishment of the sub-PeV gamma ray astronomy and elucidation of the origin of galactic cosmic rays
NameTAKITA, Masato
AffiliationInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo
SubjectObservational Cosmology through the Development of Wide Field Cameras for Subaru Telescope
NameMIYAZAKI, Satoshi
AffiliationNational Astronomical Observatory of Japan
SubjectThe citation in AAPPS Bulletin Vol. 32, issue 1, January 2022 click here



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of strongly correlated quantum liquids in organic conductorsKazushi KANODADepartment of Applied Physics, the University of TokyoPDF
Study of double strangeness nuclei using nuclear emulsion plateKazuma NAKAZAWAFaculty of Education, and Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2020 click here

SubjectStudy of strongly correlated quantum liquids in organic conductors
NameKazushi KANODA
AffiliationDepartment of Applied Physics, the University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of double strangeness nuclei using nuclear emulsion plate
AffiliationFaculty of Education, and Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2020 click here



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery of Electric-field Induced Two-dimensional SuperconductivityYoshihiro IwasaGraduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo PDF
Discovery of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic NeutrinosShigeru YoshidaGraduate School of Science, Chiba University
Aya IshiharaProfessor, Institute for Global Prominent Research, Chiba University

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2019 click here

SubjectDiscovery of Electric-field Induced Two-dimensional Superconductivity
NameYoshihiro Iwasa
AffiliationGraduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
SubjectDiscovery of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos
NameShigeru Yoshida
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Chiba University
NameAya Ishihara
AffiliationProfessor, Institute for Global Prominent Research, Chiba University

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2019 click here



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of Binary Neutron Star Mergers by Numerical Relativity SimulationsMasaru ShibataMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto UniversityPDF
Development of Extreme-nonlinear Terahertz Optics in SolidsKoichiro TanakaGraduate School of Science, Kyoto University

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2018 click here

SubjectStudy of Binary Neutron Star Mergers by Numerical Relativity Simulations
NameMasaru Shibata
AffiliationMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
SubjectDevelopment of Extreme-nonlinear Terahertz Optics in Solids
NameKoichiro Tanaka
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Kyoto University

The citation in AAPPS Bulletin No.6 2018 click here



Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Realization of large-scale coherent Ising machinesHiroki TakesueNTT Basic Research Laboratories
High Efficiency Organic Electroluminescence via Thermally Activated Delayed FluorescenceChihaya AdachiKyushu University
Foundation of Topological Quantum Condensed Matter PhysicsMahito KohmotoInstitute for solid state physics, the University of Tokyo
SubjectRealization of large-scale coherent Ising machines
NameHiroki Takesue
AffiliationNTT Basic Research Laboratories
SubjectHigh Efficiency Organic Electroluminescence via Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence
NameChihaya Adachi
AffiliationKyushu University
SubjectFoundation of Topological Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
NameMahito Kohmoto
AffiliationInstitute for solid state physics, the University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery and development of the holographic entanglement entropy formulaTadashi Takayanagi Kyoto University
SubjectDiscovery and development of the holographic entanglement entropy formula
NameTadashi Takayanagi
AffiliationKyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Classification theory of topological insulators and superconductorsShinsei Ryu
Akira Furusaki
University of Illinois
Discovery of anomalies in magic numbers of neutron-rich nucleiTohru Motobayashi
Hiroyoshi Sakurai
The University of Tokyo & RIKEN
SubjectClassification theory of topological insulators and superconductors
NameShinsei Ryu
Akira Furusaki
AffiliationUniversity of Illinois
SubjectDiscovery of anomalies in magic numbers of neutron-rich nuclei
NameTohru Motobayashi
Hiroyoshi Sakurai
The University of Tokyo & RIKEN


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Creation of novel electronic states via the two dimensional confinement of heavy fermionsYuji MatsudaKyoto University
Observation of electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beamTakashi Kobayashi
Tsuyoshi Nakaya
Kyoto University
SubjectCreation of novel electronic states via the two dimensional confinement of heavy fermions
NameYuji Matsuda
AffiliationKyoto University
SubjectObservation of electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam
NameTakashi Kobayashi
Tsuyoshi Nakaya
Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Invention of optical lattice clocksHidetoshi Katori RIKEN & The University of Tokyo
Creation of ultracold quantum systems of Yb atomsYoshiro Takahashi Kyoto University
Contribution to the discovery of the Higgs bosonTakahiko Kondo
Tomio Kobayashi

Shoji Asai
ICEPP, The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
SubjectInvention of optical lattice clocks
NameHidetoshi Katori
AffiliationRIKEN & The University of Tokyo
SubjectCreation of ultracold quantum systems of Yb atoms
NameYoshiro Takahashi
AffiliationKyoto University
SubjectContribution to the discovery of the Higgs boson
NameTakahiko Kondo
Tomio Kobayashi

Shoji Asai
ICEPP, The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Observation of geologically produced antineutrinosKunio InoueResearch Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
Discovery of iron pnictide superconductorsHideo HosonoFrontier Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nuclear force from lattice quantum chromodynamicsTetsuo Hatsuda

Shinya Aoki

Noriyoshi Ishii
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator Based Science
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
SubjectObservation of geologically produced antineutrinos
NameKunio Inoue
AffiliationResearch Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
SubjectDiscovery of iron pnictide superconductors
NameHideo Hosono
AffiliationFrontier Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SubjectNuclear force from lattice quantum chromodynamics
NameTetsuo Hatsuda

Shinya Aoki

Noriyoshi Ishii
AffiliationRIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator Based Science
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Researches at Heavy Ion Collider, in particular, on Lepton-Pair ProductionYasuyuki AkibaRIKEN-BNL Center
Experimental identification of intrinsic electromagnetic-field structures in high-temperature plasmasAkihide Fujisawa
Katsumi Ida
Kyushu University
National Institute for Fusion Science
SubjectResearches at Heavy Ion Collider, in particular, on Lepton-Pair Production
NameYasuyuki Akiba
AffiliationRIKEN-BNL Center
SubjectExperimental identification of intrinsic electromagnetic-field structures in high-temperature plasmas
NameAkihide Fujisawa
Katsumi Ida
AffiliationKyushu University
National Institute for Fusion Science


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theory of High-Dimensional ChaosKunihiko KANEKOUniversity of Tokyo
Discovery of Spin-Triplet Superconductor - Ruthenium OxideYoshiteru MAENOKoyto University
SubjectTheory of High-Dimensional Chaos
NameKunihiko KANEKO
AffiliationUniversity of Tokyo
SubjectDiscovery of Spin-Triplet Superconductor - Ruthenium Oxide
NameYoshiteru MAENO
AffiliationKoyto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of Topological String TheoryHiroshi OOGURICalifornia Institute of Technology and IPMU, University of Tokyo
Hypernuclear Gamma-Ray SpectroscopyHirokazu TAMURASchool of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectStudy of Topological String Theory
NameHiroshi OOGURI
AffiliationCalifornia Institute of Technology and IPMU, University of Tokyo
SubjectHypernuclear Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
NameHirokazu TAMURA
AffiliationSchool of Science, Tohoku University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Deep Survey of Early Universe by Using the SUBARU TelescopeMasanori IYENational Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Theoretical Studies on Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive InteractionMasahito UEDASchool of Science, University of Tokyo
Study of Antiprotonic Helium AtomsRyugo HAYANOSchool of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectDeep Survey of Early Universe by Using the SUBARU Telescope
NameMasanori IYE
AffiliationNational Astronomical Observatory of Japan
SubjectTheoretical Studies on Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive Interaction
NameMasahito UEDA
AffiliationSchool of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of Antiprotonic Helium Atoms
NameRyugo HAYANO
AffiliationSchool of Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery of the Hosotani mechanismYutaka HOSOTANIGraduate School of Science, Osaka University
SubjectDiscovery of the Hosotani mechanism
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Osaka University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Pioneering studies of plasma electron acceleration by laserToshiki TAJIMAAdvanced Photon Research Center, JAERI Kansai
Discovery of Nishimori line in random-spin systemsHidetoshi NISHIMORIFaculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Phase transition of the water/amorphous ice - experimental studies of polyamorphismOsamu MISHIMANational Institute for Materials Science
SubjectPioneering studies of plasma electron acceleration by laser
NameToshiki TAJIMA
AffiliationAdvanced Photon Research Center, JAERI Kansai
SubjectDiscovery of Nishimori line in random-spin systems
NameHidetoshi NISHIMORI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SubjectPhase transition of the water/amorphous ice - experimental studies of polyamorphism
AffiliationNational Institute for Materials Science


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theoretical study of the anomalous Hall effectNaoto NAGAOSAGraduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Observation of long-base-line neutrino oscillation with an accelerator neutrino beamKoichiro NISHIKAWAGraduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Synthesis of a new 113th superheavy elementKosuke MORITAThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
SubjectTheoretical study of the anomalous Hall effect
AffiliationGraduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
SubjectObservation of long-base-line neutrino oscillation with an accelerator neutrino beam
NameKoichiro NISHIKAWA
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectSynthesis of a new 113th superheavy element
NameKosuke MORITA
AffiliationThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Realization of quantum entanglement of two quantum bits by Josephson junctionsJaw-Shen TSAIFundamental and Environmental Research Laboratory, NEC & RIKEN
Discovery of the tau neutrino by fully automatized scanning device for nuclear emulsionKimio NIWAGraduate School of Science, Nagoya University
SubjectRealization of quantum entanglement of two quantum bits by Josephson junctions
NameJaw-Shen TSAI
AffiliationFundamental and Environmental Research Laboratory, NEC & RIKEN
SubjectDiscovery of the tau neutrino by fully automatized scanning device for nuclear emulsion
NameKimio NIWA
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Nagoya University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Clarification of the new superconducting state by means of nuclear magnetic resonanceYoshio KITAOKAGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Observation of the disappearance of reactor antineutrinosAtsuto SUZUKI Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Discovery of a new particle by using LASER Compton gamma raysTakashi NAKANOResearch Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
SubjectClarification of the new superconducting state by means of nuclear magnetic resonance
NameYoshio KITAOKA
AffiliationGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
SubjectObservation of the disappearance of reactor antineutrinos
NameAtsuto SUZUKI
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectDiscovery of a new particle by using LASER Compton gamma rays
NameTakashi NAKANO
AffiliationResearch Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnantsKatsuzi KOYAMA Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Generation of artificial atoms and moleculesSeigo TARUCHAGraduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
Study of fast neutron capture by nucleiYasuki NAGAI

Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SubjectCosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants
NameKatsuzi KOYAMA
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectGeneration of artificial atoms and molecules
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of fast neutron capture by nuclei
NameYasuki NAGAI

AffiliationResearch Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery of neutrino oscillation by precise observation of solar neutrinosYoichiro SUZUKI

Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Discovery of CP violation in the B-meson decayFumihiko TAKASAKI

Katsunobu OIDE
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Discovery of the superconductivity of oxygen and iron under very high pressureKiichi AMAYA

Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
SubjectDiscovery of neutrino oscillation by precise observation of solar neutrinos
NameYoichiro SUZUKI

AffiliationInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
SubjectDiscovery of CP violation in the B-meson decay
NameFumihiko TAKASAKI

Katsunobu OIDE
AffiliationHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
SubjectDiscovery of the superconductivity of oxygen and iron under very high pressure
NameKiichi AMAYA

AffiliationFaculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Observation of cosmic antiprotonsShuji ORITO

Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Discovery of the Konishi anomalyKen-ichi KONISHIPhysics Department, Pisa University
Study of nuclei by means of molecular dynamics for fermionsHisashi HORIUCHIFaculty of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectObservation of cosmic antiprotons
NameShuji ORITO

AffiliationGraduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
SubjectDiscovery of the Konishi anomaly
NameKen-ichi KONISHI
AffiliationPhysics Department, Pisa University
SubjectStudy of nuclei by means of molecular dynamics for fermions
NameHisashi HORIUCHI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Quantum symmetry breaking of electro-weak interaction in the supersymmetric standard modelKenzo INOUE

Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
Kyushu School of Engineering, Kinki University nications
Discovery of the atmospheric neutrino anomalyTakaaki KAJITAInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Observation and control of coherent twolevel systems by using superconducting elementsYasunobu NAKAMURAFundamental and Environmental Research Laboratories, NEC
SubjectQuantum symmetry breaking of electro-weak interaction in the supersymmetric standard model
NameKenzo INOUE

AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyushu University
Kyushu School of Engineering, Kinki University nications
SubjectDiscovery of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly
NameTakaaki KAJITA
AffiliationInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
SubjectObservation and control of coherent twolevel systems by using superconducting elements
NameYasunobu NAKAMURA
AffiliationFundamental and Environmental Research Laboratories, NEC


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery of superconductivity in the material of ladder structureJun AKIMITSUCollege of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
Exploration of atomic wave holographyFujio SHIMIZUInstitute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications
Contribution to the discovery of the top quarkKunitaka KONDOInstitute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
SubjectDiscovery of superconductivity in the material of ladder structure
AffiliationCollege of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
SubjectExploration of atomic wave holography
AffiliationInstitute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications
SubjectContribution to the discovery of the top quark
NameKunitaka KONDO
AffiliationInstitute of Physics, University of Tsukuba


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of ultra-high energy gamma ray emittersTadashi KIFUNE

Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theory of CP violation in the B-meson systemIchiro SANDAFaculty of Science, Nagoya University
Discovery of the spin-gap in high-temperature superconductorsHiroshi YASUOKAInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of ultra-high energy gamma ray emitters
NameTadashi KIFUNE

AffiliationInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SubjectTheory of CP violation in the B-meson system
NameIchiro SANDA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Nagoya University
SubjectDiscovery of the spin-gap in high-temperature superconductors
NameHiroshi YASUOKA
AffiliationInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of very short wavelength semiconductor LASERShuji NAKAMURA Nichia Chemical Industry, Ltd
Clarification of the atomic processes at the boundary of solid and liquidKingo ITAYAFaculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
Naomasa NAKAI

Makoto INOUE

National Astronomical Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory
SubjectStudy of very short wavelength semiconductor LASER
AffiliationNichia Chemical Industry, Ltd
SubjectClarification of the atomic processes at the boundary of solid and liquid
NameKingo ITAYA
AffiliationFaculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
NameNaomasa NAKAI

Makoto INOUE

AffiliationNational Astronomical Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Experimental studies of quantum phase separation at ultra-low temperaturesTakeo SATOHGraduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Study of onedimensional electron systems based on conformal field theoryNorio KAWAKAMI

Sung-Kil YANG
Graduate School of Engeering, Osaka University
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
SubjectExperimental studies of quantum phase separation at ultra-low temperatures
NameTakeo SATOH
AffiliationGraduate School of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectStudy of onedimensional electron systems based on conformal field theory

Sung-Kil YANG
AffiliationGraduate School of Engeering, Osaka University
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theory on the Anderson localization and quantum transport in mesoscopic systemsArisato KAWABATA Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University
Precise measurement of electron-molecule collisions by means of a cooler ringTetsumi TANABEInstitue for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo


Masanori OKAWA

Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
National Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
SubjectTheory on the Anderson localization and quantum transport in mesoscopic systems
NameArisato KAWABATA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Gakushuin University
SubjectPrecise measurement of electron-molecule collisions by means of a cooler ring
NameTetsumi TANABE
AffiliationInstitue for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
NameYoichi IWASAKI


Masanori OKAWA

AffiliationInstitute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
National Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theory of the anomalous transport and the LH transition in high temperature plasmasKimitaka ITOH

National Institute for Fusion Science
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Study of a new type of magnetic phase transitionKoichi KATSUMATAThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
SubjectTheory of the anomalous transport and the LH transition in high temperature plasmas
NameKimitaka ITOH

AffiliationNational Institute for Fusion Science
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
SubjectStudy of a new type of magnetic phase transition
AffiliationThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Creation of photon number squeezed states and the control of spontaneous emissionYoshihisa YAMAMOTONTT Fundamental Research Institute
Study on the Fermi surface of itinerent heavyelectron systemsYoshichika ONUKI

Institute of Material Engineering, University of Tsukuba
College of General Education, Niigata University
The see-saw mechanism for neutrino massesTsutomu YANAGIDAFaculty of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectCreation of photon number squeezed states and the control of spontaneous emission
NameYoshihisa YAMAMOTO
AffiliationNTT Fundamental Research Institute
SubjectStudy on the Fermi surface of itinerent heavyelectron systems
NameYoshichika ONUKI

AffiliationInstitute of Material Engineering, University of Tsukuba
College of General Education, Niigata University
SubjectThe see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses
NameTsutomu YANAGIDA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Tohoku University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Development of the insertion-type light sourceHideo KITAMURA National Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
Spectroscopic study of intersteller moleculesShuji SAITOInstitute for Molecular Science
Soliton physics and its applicationMiki WADATIFaculty of Science, Universuty of Tokyo
SubjectDevelopment of the insertion-type light source
AffiliationNational Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
SubjectSpectroscopic study of intersteller molecules
NameShuji SAITO
AffiliationInstitute for Molecular Science
SubjectSoliton physics and its application
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Universuty of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of particle cosmologyKatsuhiko SATOFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Discovery of electron-type copperoxide superconductorsYoshinori TOKURAFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Study of the beam-beam interaction in a linear colliderKaoru YOKOYANational Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
SubjectStudy of particle cosmology
NameKatsuhiko SATO
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectDiscovery of electron-type copperoxide superconductors
NameYoshinori TOKURA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the beam-beam interaction in a linear collider
NameKaoru YOKOYA
AffiliationNational Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of nuclei by using unstable nuclear beamssao TANIHATA The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Theoretical study of supernovaKenichi NOMOTOFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of nuclei by using unstable nuclear beams
AffiliationThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
SubjectTheoretical study of supernova
NameKenichi NOMOTO
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Observation of a submillimeterwave spectrum of the cosmic background radiationToshio MATSUMOTOFaculty of Science, Nagoya University
Field theory of the stringKeiji KIKKAWAFaculty of Science, Osaka University
New design and synthesis of organic superconductorsGunzi SAITOInstitue for Solid State Phyisics, University of Tokyo
SubjectObservation of a submillimeterwave spectrum of the cosmic background radiation
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Nagoya University
SubjectField theory of the string
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka University
SubjectNew design and synthesis of organic superconductors
NameGunzi SAITO
AffiliationInstitue for Solid State Phyisics, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the surface structure of siliconKunio TAKAYANAGI Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Development of millimeterwave astronomyMasaki MORIMOTO

Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo
Observation of the neutrinos from supernova explosionMasatoshi KOSHIBA


Teruhiro SUDA
Faculty of Science, Tokai University
ICEPP, University of Tokyo
Institute of Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the surface structure of silicon
AffiliationDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SubjectDevelopment of millimeterwave astronomy

AffiliationTokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo
SubjectObservation of the neutrinos from supernova explosion
NameMasatoshi KOSHIBA


Teruhiro SUDA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Tokai University
ICEPP, University of Tokyo
Institute of Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Statistical physics of phase transition ordering and quantum many-body systemsMasuo SUZUKIFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Study of the anomaly in quantum field theoryKazuo FUJIKAWAInstitute for Theoretical Phyiscs, Hiroshima University
Nonlinear dynamics of dissipative magnetohydrodynamic plasmaTetsuya SATO Center for Nuclear Fusion Theory, Hiroshima University
SubjectStatistical physics of phase transition ordering and quantum many-body systems
NameMasuo SUZUKI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the anomaly in quantum field theory
AffiliationInstitute for Theoretical Phyiscs, Hiroshima University
SubjectNonlinear dynamics of dissipative magnetohydrodynamic plasma
NameTetsuya SATO
AffiliationCenter for Nuclear Fusion Theory, Hiroshima University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of phase transitions of gelToyoichi TANAKAMasachusetts Institute of Technology
Dynamical observation of few-atom ensemblesSumio IIJIMA Research Development Cooperation of Japan
Study of neutron stars using the satellite TemmaYasuo TANAKAInstitute for Space and Astronautical Science
SubjectStudy of phase transitions of gel
NameToyoichi TANAKA
AffiliationMasachusetts Institute of Technology
SubjectDynamical observation of few-atom ensembles
NameSumio IIJIMA
AffiliationResearch Development Cooperation of Japan
SubjectStudy of neutron stars using the satellite Temma
NameYasuo TANAKA
AffiliationInstitute for Space and Astronautical Science


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
The lattice gauge theoryTohru EGUCHI

Hikaru KAWAI
Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Physics Department, Cornell University
Study of the metal ferromagnetism by means of neutron scatteringYoshikazu ISHIKAWAFaculty of Science, Tohoku University
Experimental studies of the negative magnetoresistance and quantum Hall effect in the two-dimensional electron systemShinji KAWAJI Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University
SubjectThe lattice gauge theory
NameTohru EGUCHI

Hikaru KAWAI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Physics Department, Cornell University
SubjectStudy of the metal ferromagnetism by means of neutron scattering
NameYoshikazu ISHIKAWA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectExperimental studies of the negative magnetoresistance and quantum Hall effect in the two-dimensional electron system
NameShinji KAWAJI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Gakushuin University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Contribution to the discovery of the Upsilon particlesTaiji YAMANOUCHIFermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Precise microscopic measurements of rare earth elements and its application to space and earth scienceAkimasa MASUDA Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectContribution to the discovery of the Upsilon particles
AffiliationFermi National Accelerator Laboratory
SubjectPrecise microscopic measurements of rare earth elements and its application to space and earth science
NameAkimasa MASUDA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theoretical study of the two-dimensional electron system in the MOS inversion layerTsuneya ANDOInstitute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Development of the electron holography and its applicationAkira TONOMURACentral Resarch Laboratory, Hitachi Co. Ltd
SubjectTheoretical study of the two-dimensional electron system in the MOS inversion layer
NameTsuneya ANDO
AffiliationInstitute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
SubjectDevelopment of the electron holography and its application
AffiliationCentral Resarch Laboratory, Hitachi Co. Ltd


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Evolution of nearby dual star systemDaiichiro SUGIMOTOColledge of General Education, University of Tokyo
The origin of the baryon number in the universeMotohiko YOSHIMURA National Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
SubjectEvolution of nearby dual star system
NameDaiichiro SUGIMOTO
AffiliationColledge of General Education, University of Tokyo
SubjectThe origin of the baryon number in the universe
NameMotohiko YOSHIMURA
AffiliationNational Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Generation of ultra-high magnetic fieldMuneyuki DATEFaculty of Science, Osaka University
Study of the giant resonances of nucleiYoshiharu TORIZUKALaboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
Theory of the convariant quantization of the non-Abelian gauge field theoryTaichiro KUGO

Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
SubjectGeneration of ultra-high magnetic field
NameMuneyuki DATE
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka University
SubjectStudy of the giant resonances of nuclei
NameYoshiharu TORIZUKA
AffiliationLaboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
SubjectTheory of the convariant quantization of the non-Abelian gauge field theory
NameTaichiro KUGO

AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyoto University
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theory of itinerant electron ferromagnetismToru MORIYAInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
A new model for elementary particlesMakoto KOBAYASHI

Toshihide MASKAWA
National Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
SubjectTheory of itinerant electron ferromagnetism
AffiliationInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SubjectA new model for elementary particles

Toshihide MASKAWA
AffiliationNational Laboratory of High Energy Physics (KEK)
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of free radicals by means of high-resolution, high-sensitivity spectrosopyEizi HIROTAInstitute for Molecular Science
Theoreical study of the collective motion of nucleiAkito ARIMA

Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of free radicals by means of high-resolution, high-sensitivity spectrosopy
AffiliationInstitute for Molecular Science
SubjectTheoreical study of the collective motion of nuclei
NameAkito ARIMA

AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the high-density excitation effect in semiconductors by means of the picosecond spectroscopyShigeo SHIONOYA Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
The SU(4) model of elementary particlesZiro MAKI
Yasuo HARA
Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
SubjectStudy of the high-density excitation effect in semiconductors by means of the picosecond spectroscopy
AffiliationInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SubjectThe SU(4) model of elementary particles
NameZiro MAKI
Yasuo HARA
AffiliationInstitute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the high-voltage electrostatic accelerator and its developmentAkira ISOYAFaculty of Science, Kyushu University
Discovery of a new selection rule in the strong interaction of elementary particlesSusumu OKUBO

Faculty of Science, Rochester University
Faculty of Science, Nagoya University
SubjectStudy of the high-voltage electrostatic accelerator and its development
NameAkira ISOYA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyushu University
SubjectDiscovery of a new selection rule in the strong interaction of elementary particles
NameSusumu OKUBO

AffiliationFaculty of Science, Rochester University
Faculty of Science, Nagoya University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Discovery of the mesonic effect in nuclear magnetic momentsToshimitsu YAMAZAKIFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Theoretical study of many-exciton systemsEiichi HANAMURA Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SubjectDiscovery of the mesonic effect in nuclear magnetic moments
NameToshimitsu YAMAZAKI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectTheoretical study of many-exciton systems
AffiliationInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the electron transport in semiconductors by means of the cyclotron resonanceEizo OTSUKACollege of General Education, Osaka University
Supermultiplet and duality theories of elementary particlesBunji SAKITA City College of New York
SubjectStudy of the electron transport in semiconductors by means of the cyclotron resonance
AffiliationCollege of General Education, Osaka University
SubjectSupermultiplet and duality theories of elementary particles
NameBunji SAKITA
AffiliationCity College of New York


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Analyses of characteristics of the scattering amplitude in the quantum field theoryNoboru NAKANISHI Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Discovery of a new solution of the gravitaional field equation and its application to cosmological physicsHumitaka SATO

Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hiroshima University
SubjectAnalyses of characteristics of the scattering amplitude in the quantum field theory
AffiliationResearch Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
SubjectDiscovery of a new solution of the gravitaional field equation and its application to cosmological physics
NameHumitaka SATO

AffiliationInstitute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hiroshima University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Dynamical theory of critical phenomenaKyozi KAWASAKIDepartment of Physics, Temple University
Theoretical study of supercondoctorsKazumi MAKIFaculty of Science, Tohoku University
SubjectDynamical theory of critical phenomena
AffiliationDepartment of Physics, Temple University
SubjectTheoretical study of supercondoctors
NameKazumi MAKI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Tohoku University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Application of the symmetry in fundamental particlesHirotaka SUGAWARAInstitute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Invention of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy and study of nuclear structureHaruhiko MORINAGADepartment of Physics, Technical University of Munich
SubjectApplication of the symmetry in fundamental particles
NameHirotaka SUGAWARA
AffiliationInstitute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
SubjectInvention of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy and study of nuclear structure
NameHaruhiko MORINAGA
AffiliationDepartment of Physics, Technical University of Munich


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the Carbon-14 datingKunihiko KIGOSHIFaculty of Science, Gakushuin University
Basic study of linear acceleratorsTetsuji NISHIKAWAFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the Carbon-14 dating
NameKunihiko KIGOSHI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Gakushuin University
SubjectBasic study of linear accelerators
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Development of a large-dispersion mass separator for precise atomic mass measurementsHisashi MATSUDACollege of General Education, Osaka University
Study of the ion-wave echoHiroyuki IKEZI

Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectDevelopment of a large-dispersion mass separator for precise atomic mass measurements
NameHisashi MATSUDA
AffiliationCollege of General Education, Osaka University
SubjectStudy of the ion-wave echo
NameHiroyuki IKEZI

AffiliationInstitute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium statesHazime MORIFaculty of Science, Kyushu University
Clarification of the resistance minimum in dilute alloysJun KONDOElectrotechnical Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
SubjectStatistical mechanics of non-equilibrium states
NameHazime MORI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyushu University
SubjectClarification of the resistance minimum in dilute alloys
AffiliationElectrotechnical Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the symmetry of fundamental particlesShuzo OGAWA

Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Study of the transverse momentum in ultrahigh energy reactionsJun NISHIMURAInstitute of Space and Astronautical Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the symmetry of fundamental particles
NameShuzo OGAWA

AffiliationFaculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy of the transverse momentum in ultrahigh energy reactions
AffiliationInstitute of Space and Astronautical Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Determination of the location of SCO-X-1Minoru ODAInstitute for Astronautical Research, University of Tokyo
Dynamical theory of optical properties in solidYutaka TOYOZAWAInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SubjectDetermination of the location of SCO-X-1
NameMinoru ODA
AffiliationInstitute for Astronautical Research, University of Tokyo
SubjectDynamical theory of optical properties in solid
AffiliationInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study on the negative absorption of weakly ionized plasma at the cyclotron frequencyKenji MITANI

Shigetoshi TANAKA
College of General Education, Kyoto University
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Study of cosmic-ray muons and neutrinosSaburo MIYAKEFaculty of Science, Osaka City University
SubjectStudy on the negative absorption of weakly ionized plasma at the cyclotron frequency
NameKenji MITANI

Shigetoshi TANAKA
AffiliationCollege of General Education, Kyoto University
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
SubjectStudy of cosmic-ray muons and neutrinos
NameSaburo MIYAKE
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka City University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of dynamics of electrons and ions in static electric and magnetic fieldsGiiti IWATAFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Vacuum ultraviolet spectrometerMasao SEYAOptical Science Laboratory, Tokyo University of Education
SubjectStudy of dynamics of electrons and ions in static electric and magnetic fields
NameGiiti IWATA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectVacuum ultraviolet spectrometer
NameMasao SEYA
AffiliationOptical Science Laboratory, Tokyo University of Education


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of the stellar nuclear evolutionChushiro HAYASHIFaculty of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectStudy of the stellar nuclear evolution
NameChushiro HAYASHI
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Study of low-density plasma - invention of the resonant probe methodKazuo TAKAYAMAInstitute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Study of the hot electron anisotropy in germaniumWataru SASAKIElectrotechnical Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
SubjectStudy of low-density plasma - invention of the resonant probe method
AffiliationInstitute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
SubjectStudy of the hot electron anisotropy in germanium
NameWataru SASAKI
AffiliationElectrotechnical Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Fireball model for multiple meson productionKiyoshi NIUInstitute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Study and development of the discharge chamberShuji FUKUI

Faculty of Science, Nagoya University
Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
A new method in quantum statistical mechanicsTakeo MATSUBARAFaculty of Science, Kyoto University
SubjectFireball model for multiple meson production
NameKiyoshi NIU
AffiliationInstitute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
SubjectStudy and development of the discharge chamber
NameShuji FUKUI

AffiliationFaculty of Science, Nagoya University
Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
SubjectA new method in quantum statistical mechanics
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Kyoto University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Theory of helical spin ordering in magnetic crystalsAkio YOSHIMORIFaculty of Science, Osaka City University
SubjectTheory of helical spin ordering in magnetic crystals
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka City University


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Invention of the Esaki diodeLeo ESAKI Sony Co., Ltd
Isotope concentration by chemical exchange reactionsRyohei NAKANEThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
SubjectInvention of the Esaki diode
AffiliationSony Co., Ltd
SubjectIsotope concentration by chemical exchange reactions
NameRyohei NAKANE
AffiliationThe Institute of Physical and Chemical Research


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Measurements of magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of nuclear excited statesKenzo SUGIMOTOFaculty of Science, Osaka University
Study of the correlation energy of electron gasKatsuro SAWADA Tokyo University of Education
SubjectMeasurements of magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of nuclear excited states
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka University
SubjectStudy of the correlation energy of electron gas
NameKatsuro SAWADA
AffiliationTokyo University of Education


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Statistical mechanics of irreversible processesRyogo KUBOFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo
SubjectStatistical mechanics of irreversible processes
NameRyogo KUBO
AffiliationFaculty of Science, University of Tokyo


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Magnetic anisotropic energy in antiferromagnetismKei YOSHIDAFaculty of Science, Osaka University
Study of botanical fertilization by means of isotopesShingo MITSUI


Tomoji EGAWA

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo
National Inatitute for Agrotechnology
National Institute for Agrotechnology
Sericulture Experimental Station
SubjectMagnetic anisotropic energy in antiferromagnetism
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka University
SubjectStudy of botanical fertilization by means of isotopes
NameShingo MITSUI


Tomoji EGAWA

AffiliationFaculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo
National Inatitute for Agrotechnology
National Institute for Agrotechnology
Sericulture Experimental Station


Subject Name Affiliation Outline
Completion of a large mass spectrometerKoreichi OGATA Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Transformation of elementary particlesKazuhiko NISHIJIMAFaculty of Science, Osaka City University
SubjectCompletion of a large mass spectrometer
NameKoreichi OGATA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka University
SubjectTransformation of elementary particles
NameKazuhiko NISHIJIMA
AffiliationFaculty of Science, Osaka City University